The husband doesn’t actually remember the first time we met, but I do.  It’s not often you walk into a store in western Montana, approach an employee for help finding a George Winston CD, and get greeted with a British accent (dialect, technically, but what the hell).  I ended up marrying him and for more than two decades we’ve co-existed (mostly) peacefully as a dual-nationality household.  It’s been an entertaining ride, to be sure.  Allow me to explain.


Language-wrangling: More than once, amusing misunderstandings have occurred due to the husband’s pronunciation of words containing the dropped r of Brit-speak, including khakis/car keys and porn shop/pawn shop.  When the husband has asked questions like “Where are my car keys?” and “Do you think we could find it at a pawn shop?” my responses (“They’re in the laundry hamper,” and “Uhhh, I don’t think they sell things like that at a porn shop.”) have struck the husband as rather absurd.  In addition, it’s been enlightening to discover that three words most Americans would consider homophones – marry, merry, Mary – each have their own distinct and discernible pronunciation when the husband says them. (“Mary will marry him and then she will be merry” sounds very different coming out of my mouth than it does coming out of his.

Swear words and epithets: “Bloody” is an oft-used adjective in our house.  When the husband demonstrates the irritating “90% rule” (bringing his dirty dishes to the counter right above the dishwasher, setting them down, but not actually opening the thing up and putting the dishes in) I might say, “Put the bloody dishes in the bloody dishwasher!” or something to that effect.  “Bollocks!” is a fun little expletive that basically means testicles.  You can use it when you notice a parking ticket on your windshield after leaving the restaurant on your wedding anniversary (this has happened), or when you suddenly have an urgent need to use the bathroom just as they are announcing the final boarding call for your flight (this happens to the husband every single time we fly).  I’ve adopted the colorful, “Bugger off!” whenever the husband pesters me while I’m a) travel planning, or b) blogging.  And then there are the mild epithets we reserve for others – usually bad drivers or people on TV: “What a plonker/berk/knobhead/prat/numpty.”

New words and phrases: When asked how many languages I speak, I usually describe myself as weakly trilingual, having acquired (and lost) Spanish and French to varying degrees over the years. Upon reflection, however, I think I can claim British English as my fourth language.  Marrying an Englishman means I’ve had to learn countless words and phrases that don’t exist or have a different meaning in the States… things like:

  • chuffed (happy)
  • browned off/cheesed off (angry)
  • fairy cakes (cupcakes)
  • peckish (hungry)
  • queue (line… the first time I saw this word I pronounced it kyoo-ee-oo-ee)
  • nought (nothing)
  • pancakes (crepes)
  • Scotch pancakes (pancakes as we Americans know them)
  • knackered (tired)
  • zed (the letter Z)
  • pissed (to me this means angry… to him it means drunk)
  • three sheets to the wind (to me this means drunk… to him it means tired)
  • homely (to me this means unattractive… to him it means warm and cozy, kinda like the Danish hygge)
  • Going ’round the houses (being circumlocutory and verbose)
  • You’re like someone I’m Aunt Mary to (you’re a dope)
  • Who scuppered me whet? (I can’t believe I’ve already drunk all my tea… only the English would have an expression about that)
  • faffing about (taking ages to get ready for something because of a distracted, hither and thither mental state)

Honestly, I could go on and on.  There are whole dictionaries dedicated to these linguistic differences.  What’s that famous quote?  “England and America are two great nations divided by a common language?”  Indeed.

Dumb questions: In our early dating life, I was pretty ignorant about England.  (Oh, who am I kidding?  I was ignorant about the world in general.  Probably still am, but hopefully less-so.)  The questions, “Are there a lot of African Americans in England?” and “When is England’s Independence Day?” brought about raucous laughter from my then boyfriend.  The first question was just a slip of the tongue, being conditioned as I was to calling black people African Americans, but he got a lot of teasing mileage out of it.  As for the second question though, I do think that England could quite easily declare 410 AD as the year of their independence (from Rome).  The specific month that the last Roman finally departed is probably hard to pin down, so they could just pick a month with no decent holidays (like August in America) and celebrate it then.  I mean, who doesn’t want another day off work?

Accent intensification: The great thing about the husband’s accent is that it’s intelligible.  That’s not the case with all British accents.  I mean, have you seen the movie Trainspotting?  I think I caught four words in that entire film.  (Yeah, I know, those are Scottish accents, but it’s the same basic idea.)  Less extreme, but still frequently incomprehensible, is the husband’s younger brother, who sounds like he’s speaking a foreign language.  I think he thinks I’m going deaf because my most frequent utterance while in his presence is, “What?”  While on the phone with his family, however, the husband’s accent suddenly intensifies, sometimes approaching levels of incomprehensibility I thought were only possible coming from my brother-in-law.  Interestingly, on our trip to England a few months ago, the husband was asked by a fellow Englishman, for the first time ever, if he was American!  Now, I know his accent has gotten milder over his decades in America, but he certainly does NOT sound American.  Bracing for the worst, I was astounded when the husband, a very proud Englishman (until recently, with the whole Brexit thing), let the innocent slight roll right off his back.  That’s growth, man.


Food cupboards: Thanks to online shopping and stores like World Market, the husband is never far from the beloved condiments and other edibles of his youth.


Dishes cupboard: Alcohol?  Espresso?  Tea?  It matters not what one drinks, but from what vessel one drinks.

British cups

Tea: And speaking of tea, we always have an electric teakettle at the ready.  For the English, “having a cuppa” is a knee-jerk reaction to just about any situation.  Sad?  Have a cuppa.  Celebrating?  Have a cuppa.  Feel sick?  Have a cuppa.  Enraged?  Have a cuppa.  Can’t sleep?  Have a cuppa.  Bored?  Have a cuppa.  [Insert mundane event]?  Have a cuppa.

Jam: I’ve never seen a group of people get so excited over something as quotidian as jam. English people have what I would consider an overdeveloped affection for this humble, commonplace spread.  Jam-filled this, jam-topped that… it gets them all aflutter.  I mean, if it were Belgian dark chocolate or something, then I could understand.  But seriously folks, it’s just jam.

Holiday & comfort foods: For an expat, food can be a very important way to stay connected with the homeland, especially on holidays when homesickness can sometimes show up like an uninvited guest.  At Christmas this may mean we have fruitcake, toad-in-the-hole and/or Quality Street™ chocolates.  When we watched the most recent royal wedding, we had Pimms™ cups.  We celebrate Shrove Tuesday, or what the husband calls “Pancake Day,” with crepes every year (see bulleted list, above).  Though he now drinks coffee in the morning, there’s still a place for tea in his life and like most Britons, he’s pretty dogmatic about it.  Words like Lipton™ and Celestial Seasonings™  are considered offensive expletives.  It’s Tetley™ or bust, and by the way, there’s a right way and a wrong way to brew tea and, according to the husband, you’re probably doing it wrong.  (I certainly have never made a cuppa that’s passed muster.)  And finally, when he’s feeling blue or out of sorts, the husband turns to the very British beans on toast.

Decor: We have an entire room decorated in homage to the motherland.  We call it the British Library, but also functions as a craft room and podcast studio.


Media subscriptions: First it was BBC America, then it was Amazon Prime so we could catch the Top Gear spin-off known as The Grand Tour.  And the newest charge on our monthly cable bill? Britbox.

TV, movies, games, and podcasts: Top Gear is a favorite. (The original Top Gear, mind you… not the sad excuse for a replacement hosted by Joey from Friends.)  Bond movies are required viewing on Christmas Day.  We will fight to the death anyone who claims the American version of The Office is as good as the British version.  On the other hand, the folksy British radio soap opera known as The Archers, as well a shockingly crude and vulgar British podcast (which shall remain nameless), are just two of examples of “entertainment” coming into our home over the airwaves that I struggle to tolerate in the name of cultural sensitivity.  Finally, the husband swears we own British Monopoly™, but all I can find is the European edition.  I’m not going to tell him, because he’ll probably have it rush delivered by next-day air, even though we almost never play Monopoly™.

British decor 3
Yeah, ok, some of these are mine.

Sports: Despite the fact that one of our first dates was meeting up to watch an outdoor rugby match (his idea), there was little indication that the husband was a sports lover.  This was good.  This was part of the plan.  I grew up in a home of rabid Green Bay Packer fans and had no intention of spending my life with a sports fanatic.  So it was that I was caught terrifically unawares when, nearly two decades later, a dormant seed of sports fandom began to sprout.  Arsenal is the team.  English soccer is the weed game.  The grating din of screaming fans emanates from our television every weekend for nine months a year, and the sport has even wormed its way into our weekly podcast in the form of the husband’s “Arsenal Update.”  (My deepest apologies to all our listeners.)

Travel: As I mentioned in Oh the Places I’ve Been: Breadth vs. Depth, we’ve visited England a lot, though “a lot” is a relative term.  Returning to the same country seven times might seem like a lot, but given that those visits have been spread over the course of 20+ years, it’s actually not that frequent.  Many expats return to the motherland annually.  The problem we face is that there are just so many other great places to explore in this world.  Given finite time and resources, we have often opted to see someplace new or different.  We’ll keep returning, however.  Great Britain is home to plenty of things we want to see and experience.  Plus, I need continued practice in trying to decipher the heavily accented utterances of my brother-in-law.

To conclude, as we find ourselves in the vicinity of our 20th wedding anniversary, I dedicate this post to you, dear husband.  You’re the one I can count on when there’s a dead mouse on the basement floor that needs disposing of, or when the computer is acting up, or when the gutters need cleaning, or for a last-minute donut run.  You’re my go-to guy for lawn care, ski-waxing, foot rubs, and so much more.  Thanks for being my tech commander, blog bully, bicycle mechanic, podcast co-host, and travel partner.  And thank you for making me English by marriage.  I’m bloody-well chuffed to be your wife.


Related post: Keeping Up a Holiday Tradition in the Time of Coronavirus

68 thoughts

  1. A delightful look at what makes him, him– and you, you. Becoming fluent in British English is a fourth language and I applaud you for learning it. I do enjoy knowing British words for our words. There’s something fun about it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fabulous and hilarious, and totally relatable! Marmite and Quality Street, yes. Maltesers need to be there too, and no, they’re NOT the same as Whopper Malt Balls!! Never seen that tomato mustard sauce though. Must be a northern bastard thing…
      Totally hear you too about going back to visit Blighty. Europe is on the doorstep and still largely untouched by us. If you’re going to fly that far…
      Do you also get the crazy looks from Brits when you say you’re going to drive 6+ hours somewhere?! “That’s bloody miles!” No it’s not. Have you seen the size of America?!
      Top Gear is on as I type this. Our son’s new favourite! Please tell me the husband has introduced you to Only Fools and Horses?! Lovely Jubbly!
      Happy Anniversary to a lovely pair! 🥂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much!!! The husband is a Maltesers fan, too, but isn’t a big sweet tooth, so I don’t see them around the house much. Yeah, when we tell them our driving record is 16.5 hours (Santa Fe to Ames, Iowa) they think we’re bonkers, and of course we’ve often driven from our house to your neck of the woods in one stretch. Yay! I love that he loves Top Gear!! I often get a foot rub while we watch it, so I doubly love it. Ugh… Only Fools and Horses. Yep, I know it. It’s been on a lot more since we subscribed to Britbox, though it has a bit of an Archie Bunker feel to it so it’s not my favorite, but I’ll still watch it with him. In fact, it was playing in London while we were there but we just didn’t have time to see it. We often (playfully) describe the husband’s younger brother as a Rodney. 🙂


  2. This was a lovely look at the added fun your union possesses. However… I was born and raised in Manhattan and Mary, marry, and merry are clearly different when I say them: Ma(y)ry, ma(aah)ry, and me(h)ry, whereas my CT-raised husband pronounces Mary and merry the same and marry differently.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I wondered if some American from a different part of the country would nab me on this. That’s why I used “most” in that sentence. Just couldn’t be sure what southerners or east coasters would have to say about it. 🙂 Thanks for the compliment, by the way.


      1. No it’s bad but we don’t go very often. Both his parents are gone and as you said there are so many other countries to explore. We’ll probably go next summer. It is a great country with perfect downtown old plazas and castles.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I can so relate, but with a twist. My mom is Welsh, and my dad a NC Southern boy, so I was the product of this mixed marriage. I remember it being explained that children should not use the term “bloody”….it was an adult word. 😂 I grew up a bit confused about whether the Royal Family were actually our relatives. My mom knew birthdays and talked about them as though they were family. Nope….not even close. My siblings and I are all chocolate snobs…. British is best. And even US Cadbury’s can’t compete. American made chocolate is waxier. Our eyes light up at the sight of a Crunchie bar (though really now it is a bit too sweet for me… but I’ll still get one every time I see them for sale. And my mouth watered at the sight of the Quality Street tin….someone sent at least one to us every Christmas. The one thing from my childhood that has seemed to disappear is sugar mice. They were in our stockings every year, sent by my Nana.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love that you thought you were one of the Royals. That’s hilarious! The husband is 100% with you on English chocolate in general and Cadbury’s in particular. When we were in London this past summer I grabbed a couple of Cadbury’s hot chocolate packets from the hotel room and brought them back home. Now the husband is saying I’m not to touch them. They’re his! 🙂 I hadn’t heard of sugar mice, but when I read your comment to the husband he was like, “Oh yeah, sugar mice. Sure. I know those.” So there ya go! Learned something new! Thanks for the fun comment.


    1. Thank you and thank you and thank you again. I looked online and saw that the quote had been attributed and mis-attributed to several people, and the wording changed a bit depending on where I looked. You’d think in this Internet age we’d have some consistency…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh just one bit of Brit decor omitted from your list is The Husbands swimming attire: A Speedo styled suit, patterned with a British flag, that flies high atop his bum four mornings each week during the swimming portion of his training sets. I can’t even describe….
    Vocabulary: He, The Husband, has infected our entire training group with his “Britishness.” We have learned how use words like cracker (It’s a cracker of a day…actually it’s a crackah of a day in his dialect), wonker (reserved for those fellow swimmers who, and most recently we have learned that when one says “CrackerJack” the proper response is to repeat “CrackerJack” VERY LOUDLY (these random outbursts during swim practice-CrackerJack!!-as witnessed by others who have no idea what’s going on, are just adorable, I’m sure). But, it’s a jolly-rancha good time, and we’re all bloody-well chuffed he allows us to swim with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve missed your calling Travel Architect. You should be writing comedy for Saturday Night Live. I now understand why we declared independence in 1776. It was due to a misunderstanding when Thomas Jefferson uttered “I’m really pissed” and the gathered leaders called out the militias rather than telling him to sleep it off. Happy anniversary.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a fun read! Happy anniversary!

    I see no spotted dick in the British food pictures? We saw a tin of it in the tiny grocery store in tiny Cedar Key FL and the 12-year old boy living inside my husband thought that was the funniest food name ever. Admittedly, I had a giggle too. Brits have the best curse words. American curse words are so unimaginative.

    Top Gear and Grand Tour are brilliant. I’m not even a car person, but that show makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. Jeremy had me at “that was a taint poppuh!”, a quote from the first episode I watched.

    My cousin married an Aussie man 20 years ago. He, and then they have always lived in Australia. I imagine she has had quite the similar experience with terminology and dialect. Aussies have some pretty fun terminology. I mean, how precious are “whirly-whirly” (tornado) and “willy willy” (small tornado)? Her husband can be a little hard to understand, particularly after a few drinks, though I love him dearly. He pronounces my name “Maaahhhsi”. Oh those dropped r’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s funny – I have a post in the works that mentions spotted dick, but no, we do not have any in the house. It’s also funny because my husband has a 12-year-old living inside him, too. Maybe all men do??

      I love that you love Top Gear and the Grand Tour. (I rarely meet any Americans who know what they are, much less watch and enjoy them.) Their “specials” are my favorite.
      Yeah, the Aussies have some great names for things. I programmed my “Siri” with an Australian accent! 🙂


      1. Oh my gosh – I had no idea Siri could be programmed with different accents. That’s cool!

        I’m surprised there are not more Top Gear & Grand Tour viewers in the US. A (career Navy) friend introduced me to the show about ten years ago. Maybe he discovered the show while stationed in Spain?

        I cannot wait to read the post that mentions spotted dick. I frequently mention your blog to my husband. He will get a kick out of that. And yes, I do believe that most men have a 12-year old boy living inside. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I can only imagine how much fun it must be living within a dual-nationality household. Thanks so much for sharing bits of your life – I very much enjoyed reading it,, especially about tea-drinking! Having lived in Ireland for over a decade, we have grown accustomed to the Irish tea culture and quickly learned that it is an essential Irish custom. Having a ‘late night cuppa’ is as important as a cup of tea at the end of a long day and so on!
    Thanks for sharing and have a good day! Looking forward to your next post/podcast! Aiva

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your kind words. It’s definitely an adventure. I’m sure you guys have several blog posts worth of tales about your expat lives. Those would be fun to read! 🙂 I’m so glad you are enjoying the blog and podcast. The husband, too, loves hearing that about the podcast. It’s his baby.


  8. This was a great read. It’s good that you’ve picked up a few mannerisms and phrases, I think we’ve got some great words for things that should be much more commonly used outside of England haha.
    Toad-in-the-hole at Christmas seems odd to me though. Similarly I think the US Office is one of the shows America have taken and actually nailed, I love the US version.
    Lastly, I might have to look in to acquiring an electric kettle when I’m in the US next year. Not sure I can do 3 months without making a quick cuppa!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha sounds like a plan! I can duel with you over The Office and the husband over the unfortunate choice of football team!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Lol, one of my favorite (or favorite?) colleagues was also a very proud Englishman. After a few years in the USA, he posted in his office a translation table for what “English people say” and “what English people mean”… The ones I remember include: “that’s interesting” meaning “that’s idiotic” and “with the greatest respect” meaning “you’re an idiot” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My freshman year of college I had a Welsh roommate and quickly became friends with an English guy. We had multiple misunderstandings, but I think the worst was a time he kept asking if I’d seen his tracksuitbottoms. I had no idea what he was saying, and he thought I was being willfully dumb.

    Are there any of his favorite foods he can’t get here that he misses?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He definitely misses authentic fish-n-chips and good ‘ol chippies with battered sausages, fish cakes, and mushy peas. Also, there are several potato chip flavors he can’t get in America: cheese & onion, for example. He also misses real British pub culture.
      Thanks for sharing that little story – I bet you have tons!


      1. I can see Brittish pub cutlure being something irreplaceable in America. And good with and chips and with sausages sound like great comfort foot, especially the day after spending too much time in the pub.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. I had a good laugh reading your post! You have a wonderful talent for writing! So funny that it’s supposed to be the same language our two nations share. You definitely deserve a degree of some sort in British English. I have a friend who is Australian and there’s a whole different form of the English language, although it may be closer to British English. She uses words like “sunnies” for her sunglasses and things being a little “dodgy.” I could listen to her talk all day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You’ve made my day!! Every once in a while the husband will pull out some British English word or phrase that I could swear I’ve never heard him utter before in the 23 years we’ve been together. It’s just one of the things that makes life with him interesting. As for Australian English, I’ve programmed my “siri” to have an Australian accent, so I’m with you there.


  12. Haha I enjoyed reading that. Very funny! I was trying to guess which part of England he was from, from the clues in the post. Some of the words and expressions he uses plus the fact he drinks Tetley made me think maybe somewhere in Yorkshire but the fact he likes Arsenal made me think maybe not as they are a London team. Toad in the hole is also quite Northernish but is popular everywhere I suppose. The Arsenal thing may be a red herring as all Yorkshire football teams are a bit shite so he might support Arsenal because they a little bit less shite haha! So after weighing up all the evidence, and I could be completely wrong, I’m going to say somewhere in Yorkshire. Also ask him if he can guess where I’m from if I use expressions such as ‘What ya deeing man?’, ‘Gan doon the Toon’, ‘Howay man’ and ‘Ya alreet pet?’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The husband says you must be a Jordie. I asked him if that meant Newcastle. I got it right!! He wants to know if you have the box set of Auf Wiedersehn Pet. The husband washes his hands to the theme song every day. I have no idea what he’s talking about. As for where he’s from, it’s not Yorkshire. You’ll have to explore the blog a little more. 😉We were there last summer and I wrote a whole blog post about it. He went to uni in London and watched his first premiere league game there, which explains Arsenal. Let me know when you’ve cracked it. 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I knew Arsenal was a red herring! He’s definitely from up North, what about somewhere in Lancashire like Blackburn or maybe Manchester then? Can you give me more clues?
        Yes I’m from Newcastle but we’re Geordies. Jordie is the name of someone from Catalonia! Tell him I don’t have the box set but I’ve watched them all a million times. Ask him which character out of Auf Wiedersehen Pet is nearest to where he lives? Also ask him if he enjoyed the Newcastle Arsenal game a few years back when Arsenal were winning 4 nil away from home at half-time? His reply will probably be to ask if I enjoyed the 1998 FA Cup Final. My reply would be, probably just as much as I enjoyed the 1999 FA Cup Final!


      2. Clue: He grew up close to the home of Brian Clough. (I’ll add that it’s also where King John died.) He says you must be part of the Toon Army and frequently visit the cathedral on the hill. (I’m just the secretary here. I have no idea what cryptic language you two are speaking, by the way.) One final message: he says the 1996 Newcastle United shirt is the greatest shirt in soccer.


      3. As Cloughie was from Middlesbrough I thought it must be somewhere near there. But when you said it’s near to where King John died, I thought Leicester, but thought maybe not as I’m mixing up kings here, as it was Richard III whose remains were found under a carpark in Leicester. Then I sussed it. King John was mates with the Sheriff of Nottingham and Brian Clough managed Nottingham Forest for years! So it’s Nottingham, or somewhere nearby! I have a friend from there and she speaks with a funny accent as well. The 1996 Newcastle shirt was amazing. I have the home and away and still wear them regularly. Still can’t believe we never won the league that year!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You are so close I’m going to give it to you: Part way between Nottingham and Lincoln is…
        Last summer we tried to find the Richard III Centre (I think it’s near the car park), but got all turned around in the Leicester city centre, driving around and around for ages. We finally arrived 5 min before closing, so instead we went across the street to the cathedral where he’s buried.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Ah Newark, I’ve never been. There’s a racecourse there I think. I’ve been to Nottingham and Leicester, both great cities. It would be Barry who lives the closest then (from Auf Wiedersehen Pet). I’ll have to read your post on it when I get the time!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. The husband used to work at that racetrack when he was a teenager, along with his best friend, who is now the front man for the Queen tribute band, Mercury. (Random fact thrown in, just because I know Queen tribute bands are quite big over there.)

        Liked by 1 person

  13. So glad I saw this post! I’m having similar conversations with the wife so this speaks to me 🙂 Oh and I love a faff. Faffing is the best!

    Liked by 1 person

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