Podcast episode 129 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

Today’s joke may be apropos of nothing, but your grade schooler will love it. The national day will both make your mouth water and give you something to spend your lottery win on. After a bit of a communication misstart, we get going on the extreme Travel Quiz. I get 100%, which is pretty good given how many incorrect answers I had, and I get to reminisce about all the states I’ve sweated in. After giving two enthusiastic thumbs up to the bucket list destination, we learn that Norway seems to have adopted the “bigger is better” attitude that is so prevalent in America. Some Portuguese pronunciation is attempted, retail cashier behavior in different countries is compared and contrasted, and we discover why the Bahamas may not be the place to go at the moment.

Episode 129: Shark Attack!

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

10 thoughts

  1. This is the second blog post I’ve read this morning that mentioned Norway. Must be something in the air.

    And you know, Australia has a reputation for shark attacks, too. Maybe just stick to land. Then again, Australia also has a reputation for crocodiles, venomous snakes, deadly spiders…

    Maybe just stay indoors.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The village we live close to has a boulangerie with the best croissants ever; they cost about 1.50€ each and are absolutely delicious. However, we’re in Spain at the moment (to escape the bitter cold in Normandie), so we’re missing out on Croissant Day; dang! Agreed, the travel quiz details were confusing to me too, but really interesting once I got the concept. Willamette Valley wines, as well as Rattlesnake Hills in Washington State, are amazing; let me know if you want suggestions. Shark attack! Oh my, after snorkeling in Cairns, while waiting on the dock, looking down at where we had just snorkeled, we saw a big shark!!! Yikes! Thank you for the mention! Another really fun pod; thanks for sharing!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Don’t worry about missing the big day… nearly every day is Croissant Day for you!
      It’ll be several years before we do that Central OR Valley trip, but I’ll try to remember to ask you for recommendations before we go. I’m hoping one of our first trips will be to Bend and the cool deserty part of Eastern OR.
      Oh yikes! We won’t even stick a toe in the water in Oz, but we are looking at the Caribbean for next year’s spring break, so eek! 🦈
      Enjoy sunny Spain!

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  3. As I’m listening to this, it’s forecasted to be 60° for the next 4 days. And like… I’m enjoying the warm weather but I’m scared for summer.

    Yeah, I would like to lodge a complaint against the classification of Nevada as more mountainous than Colorado.

    I actually had a feeling Montana would be one of the highest ranges. This was a fun travel quiz! I’m gonna test Pat tonight and see how he does.

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      1. They do have snow. In fact, the mountains got dumped on just a week or two ago and there’s more coming. But snowpack is below normal and it’s unseasonably warm in Denver.

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  4. We had a pretty mild winter so far here in Colorado – lots of snow up higher in the ski areas but the big ones seem to miss us here in this little burg. We do however get heavy spring snows, so I think karma is on the way.

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