Podcast episode 119 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

For you non-French-speakers, “merde” is the one bit of French profanity we actually know. We don’t utter it once during the episode, only off-air afterward, when we discover that a tech fail makes me sound like I’m coming to you from a deep hole. Apologies for the weird acoustics, but we’re publishing anyway, because after a totally underappreciated joke and a measured national day, I ACE the “abridged” Travel Quiz! I then turn the tables on the husband and subject him to a pop quiz en Français. We later find out that we’ll be going right by one of the bucket list destinations, but share a rare moment of agreement with our joint “meh . . . we’ll see” responses. After that we talk about our meet-up with a blog buddy and reveal how a little creature had a big impact on our highpointing goals. We finish with France: cheap prescriptions, impulse upgrades, and the unrest and riots that have been going on—wouldn’t you know it—right where we’re headed. À bientôt!

Episode 119: Merde!

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

5 thoughts

  1. National tape measure day? Wow, they really want us to celebrate everything now don’t they?

    The Atlantic Ocean Road looks amazing, I would absolutely drive that and petsit way up there in the Norwegian islands!

    And I’d almost forgotten about the mosquito flying up my nose 😂 Once he figured out the “up my nose” part I was able to figure that one out. I failed pretty hard at all the others.

    Have fun in France!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey, life happens! Seriously, tape measure day? Well, since I live in France, I’ll enjoy Bastille Day instead. Speaking of France, vous parlez très bien le français. J’espère que vous passerez un bon moment en France, et profitez de votre vol de retour en première classe!

    Liked by 1 person

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