Podcast episode 92 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

After an animal-themed joke and national day, things take a turn for the worse as the husband unleashes my least favorite Travel Quiz yet. (It’s sink or swim, and I sink straight to the thalassic floor.) My only consolation is stumping the husband on the Britain trivia question. Next, we learn what can happen when the WordPress folks promote your blog, and after that I reveal the result of our first ever travel insurance claim. Then it’s only the main feature: details of the husband’s upcoming bikepacking trip to southern Arizona.  As a bonus, my recent travel planning mistake brings to light a new car rental tip. Sea ya later! 😉

Episode 92: Didn’t Seas the Day

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

7 thoughts

  1. I was very confused at first when The Husband said you would be doing your 92nd podcast… why would you make a 90 second podcast? 😂 I quickly realized my error.

    I also learned that I too know very little about the seas of the world.

    I don’t really enjoy biking but The Husband’s trip sounds pretty cool (although hearing about his lack of plans gives me anxiety). I’m looking forward to reading/hearing about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I would have done just as well on the quiz this time… Keep in mind, the husband, for your desert bike trek – I was just in the Tucson area and it was in the 80s. Expect the heat (of course, it’s desert).

    Liked by 1 person

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