Podcast episode 128 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

We start the episode sipping the elixir of our next destination while I taunt and tease the husband with my predetermined title of this episode. My poor memory is revealed with my two rafting guide jokes, after which the husband chimes in with his own rafting guide joke. I choose the national day specifically for the husband who desperately needs to celebrate it, but all I get is scoffing. The Travel Quiz strikes fear in my heart, but doesn’t end up being that bad. Somewhere along the way I remember that I forgot to bring up the Bucket List destination, but it’s just theoretic thumbs anyway since the item of note no longer seems to exist. After that, the husband offers up some rare useful travel advice. And finally, after a slew of random updates, I reveal the reason why I should get a gold star for my good-as-gold episode title.

Episode 128: That’s Gold, Jerry! Gold!

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

6 thoughts

  1. Port also pairs really well with dark chocolate; yummy. I enjoyed the travel quiz, and even got a few right. My husband used to go to Australia often for business, and I remember him talking about the half hour time zone. There are a few other countries with half hour time zones as well including India and North Korea. I think it would be difficult to get use to. Fun pod!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, thanks for the tip. I don’t normally like to pair chocolate with regular wine, but I could see having it with port since it’s sweeter.
      I think once we experience that half-hour time change, that’ll definitely go in my Travel Listography journal. There’s a list in there called “Unusual Things I’ve Witnessed (and Experienced)”
      Thanks for listening and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You KNOW that’s Jerry’s li^&77763
      (I’m leaving that there – Cheddar jumped on the keyboard as I was typing this and I think he was trying to type “Hi, Mark” with his paws.)
      As I was saying, you KNOW that’s Jerry’s line. Bania’s just a hack!


  2. Finally starting to catch up on pods now that school is back in session and I can listen on my commutes. I did terribly on this travel quiz… largely because I struggle to differentiate east from west in my head, apparently. So that’s embarrassing.

    Your gold medallion status is something I don’t think I’ll ever hope to achieve, so I’ll have to live vicariously through you on this in 2024. Congrats on the achievement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The east/west thing was hard for me, too. And fear not, I’ll try to achieve gold status for as long as I can now that I know you’re living vicariously through me. On that note, is there anywhere you’d like me to visit for you?


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