Podcast episode 114 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

Between our ghastly new car insurance premium and the wintery late-April weather, I start out the pod in a bit of a funk, but one lame joke and one ridiculous national day later, I’m halfway to happy. Then the husband’s fun and not overly technical Travel Quiz catapults me the rest of the way, thanks in no small part to his unique understanding of the English alphabet.  A few listener/reader comments have us discussing sister cities and out-of-date bathroom décor. After that I reveal a rookie travel mistake I made going to Jamaica. We end with a couple of pieces of less-than-great travel news, bringing us full circle back to Funk Town. 

Episode 114: L, M, N, N, O, P

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

Speeds of up to 60 mph? I’ll pass.

11 thoughts

  1. Laughing here! Our cat tries to bury his hair balls; sweet kitty. One million, two millions; nope, doesn’t work. I guessed that France was number one, but I had no idea that we get so many visitors, wow!!! Back in the day, when I was in college, Mexico was the place to go. It was cheap, fun, easy to get to, and I went multiple times with my college buddies. It’s a beautiful country, and it’s sad to see that it’s so dangerous now. Great post, and fun; well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, thanks for listening and for the compliments! Yeah, I feel like I should have gone to Mexico in my 20s. I missed my window of opportunity, I guess. Maybe we’ll get there one day – there are some great deals from time to time…

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  2. Ugh the weather here has been horrible too. It snowed over the weekend in Denver and it’s currently raining.

    I’m intrigued by this Tajik teahouse in Boulder, I’m going to have to look it up. Also, I was really surprised by Turkey’s presence on the most-visited list. Pat and I brainstormed a list of countries we think might appear on the next travel quiz, so I’m looking forward to seeing how we do.

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    1. I often forget just how close Boulder is to Denver (even though I’ve been there more than once).

      I love your participation! I’m looking forward to the quiz as well, not least because it’s not going to be about jet engine specs or plane types or some other arcane topic that the husband thinks is interesting. 😉

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  3. True that! I always exchange more money than I need, just because. I don’t even spend that money half the time, and lose out on the exchange rates when I convert them back, but it’s much better than being stranded somewhere foreign and having to pay a large surcharge every time I use my card or something.

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  4. I’m with you about the trip is worth sooo much more (not money-wise) than redoing a bathroom. I *always* use the atm when arriving at an airport, plus have some US cash to exchange, which is usually possible most places. Thanks for the mention!

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  5. Caught up on some more of your episodes during the 18 hour driving weekend I just had. I was absolutely dying at the “m n n o p” fiasco! Two things (1) I’ve been to Dushanbe Tea House. It’s worth going – a very nice experience. (2) I can’t remember if it was this episode or a different one where you were talking about the nightmare that is flying right now with all the slashed routes and cancelled flights and that it’s only going to get worse this summer, but I’ve had an awful flying year so far. I’m 0 for 3 on airlines operating correctly to get me to my connection in time. And none of that was weather related. It’s abysmal. Biden is proposing major compensation changes for passengers – you should write to your senators and representatives to make sure they are supporting this. And encourage your readers/listeners to do the same! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/biden-admin-proposes-airlines-compensate-travelers-cancelations-delays-rcna83308

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Several days ago I was actually thinking to myself, “Gosh, haven’t heard from Jen Seriously in ages.” And here you are.

      Yeah, we mentioned the Biden thing in episode 116.

      Sorry to hear about your bad flights – that’s not what I want to hear with a 2-legger to France coming up soon. An 18-hour driving weekend doesn’t sound like fun, but I hope it was through some gorgeous scenery. Southern Utah, perchance? Colorado?


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