Podcast episode 95 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

After a joke that doubles as a hint to today’s main travel topic, we debate the specific requirements of a ridiculous national day that the husband just might participate in because he practices a version of it on a regular basis. He then launches into a low-scoring but fun Travel Quiz that may just make you scrap your summer travel plans in lieu of an American road trip. After a few leftover Sedona thoughts, we reveal the details of our latest travel destination, Sundara Spa in western Wisconsin. You will learn about Purifying Bath Rituals, Peace & Quiet Policies, and restaurant dining in bathrobes and slippers.  Admit it—you’re becoming intrigued. Finally, we divulge a few details of the husband’s upcoming trip to Miami and reveal the source of a reignited interest in international petsitting.

Episode 95: So Kitschy

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

3 thoughts

  1. Dining in a bathrobe and slippers? Count me in! I once did exactly that, as a matter of fact, when I ventured down for the free continental breakfast at a hotel where we were staying, thinking everybody else would have the same idea. Let’s just say that was a big ol’ nope.

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