It has been too long! However, never fear . . . the ELC is back. A puzzle pod that is designed to get you thinking. This particular location is a topical one in many ways, but not in others (of course), however “the greater the odds, the greater the challenge“.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on

Give this a listen and a think:

ELC Episode 28

Go ahead and grab your atlases, have a ponder and leave your answers in the replies below, or send directly to Good luck and thanks for playing this season of The Enigmatic Location Conundrum Mini-Pod.

11 thoughts

  1. Because Stitcher is going away next month, I downloaded a new podcast app called Pocket Casts…and lo and behold, was able to subscribe to yours! Can’t wait to listen to your latest episode (and catch up on a few more I’ve missed).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well this one has Pat and I totally stumped. Given your upcoming travels I’m guessing it’s something in the Pyrenees, but that’s all I’ve got 🤷‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

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