The Travel Architect & The Husband Team Up to Talk About Travel (Mostly)

Podcast episode 42 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes and Pocket Cast under the travel architect.  It can take up to 24 hours to be available in iTunes.

Requiring distraction from both coronavirus news and the explosive, tense, and sad situation in Minnesota right now, the Travel Architect and the husband try to podcast their way to a happier state of mind.  The Travel Architect uses her joke and the mention of one of her favorite national days to get the good times rollin’, but it all comes crashing down when the husband presents a travel quiz focused on the world’s deadliest species.  The listeners’ patience is then rewarded as we reveal the itinerary for our upcoming COVID-friendly road trip to the western US.

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in the podcast:

6 thoughts

    1. On top of coronavirus it’s been super stressful. Roads are closed even earlier and more extensively tonight than last night. There’s a credible threat against the national guard. It’s quite scary, actually. Thanks for the well-wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m excited for you taking a trip out west. It’s going to be great! I’m heading to Glacier NP at the end of this month, so I hear you about just needing to get out. A few things, I went to Grand Staircase Escalante at the beginning of April (since Utah didn’t have a lock down). It was WONDERFUL. Try to do some of the slot canyons down BLM Road 200 (Hole in the Rock Road). And if you can, head down BLM Road 108 (Big Flat) to the end. You need 4WD. It terminates in a dispersed camping area and you can hike along the rim of the canyon and even down into the canyon. We spent the whole day and there was literally not a single other person. It was magnificent! Lower Calf Creek Falls trail will be a disastrous throng of humanity. Avoid it. You can actually just stop along the summit of the highway and hike down partly into the canyon and then along the rim there. And FYI, Quandary does have some Class 3 route options. Just sayin’! Look me up when you swing through Boulder if you want to grab a beer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is invaluable insider information! Thank you!! I’m not sure our route is taking us through Boulder since we may swing up and visit my sister in Fort Collins, but if we do, you’ll hear from us!

      Enjoy Glacier. It’s been years since I’ve been there.


    1. Sorry about that. Wait a second… you’re a journalist, meaning you took lots of English in school, meaning you know very well how R&J ends!

      Yeah, when the riots were happening I was like, “COVID? What’s COVID?”


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