Podcast episode 135 is available by clicking below.  It is also available on iTunes, Pocket Cast, and Spotify under the travel architect.

You May guess the answer to the joke, as the husband did, or you May not. I think pretty much everyone wants to celebrate the National Day in the most literal way possible, but alas, few of us will. The Husband abandons a theme and goes with a rare “random, eclectic” Travel Quiz that brings to mind old fashioned Trivial Pursuits, but with a travel twist. The Bucket List activity gets a rare “two thumbs up.” Then it’s time for miscellaneous updates, where we say goodbye to easy foreign currency, take issue with The Amazing Race™, and learn why we’re changing countries for our next spring break trip. We also reveal why it’s a good idea to take credit card perks with a grain of salt. Finally, we reminisce about Porto and the Duoro Valley and give our impressions of our first ever Viator® tour. Ciao!

Episode 135: Pleasant Porto

Previous blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

12 thoughts

  1. Lisbon is indeed a fantastic city. We didn’t get to Porto, but we enjoyed Sintra, Faro and Madeira, all are stunning. Fun travel quiz, and well done Travel Architect for getting an A! I visited Mexico several times when I was in college, and a few times after that. It was the place to go back in the early 80s. Cheap hotels and beer, great beaches and a party atmosphere, all very appealing to college students. I would love to visit again, as an older adult. Fun pod!


  2. I haven’t watched the finale of The Amazing Race yet, but this is the second blog post to allude to disappointment. In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I’ll hold off on this podcast episode for now.

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    1. It’s safe to listen. We haven’t watched the finale either (going to start this morning on the bikes). We’re just taking issue with this season’s route. No spoilers, I promise. In fact, we ask listeners not to tell US who won! 🙂

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  3. I don’t watch The Amazing Race but enjoy learning whether viewers like how it evolved/ended or not. Me, a watcher of the watchers. My point is a few other people have expressed disappointment and now I’m curious about it.

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  4. Interesting that most of your comments about Porto, which I haven’t been to, were in comparison with Lisbon. The little towns were the ones that charmed me most. I’ve just learned I have a friend is moving to an expat artist community near Algarve, so a return trip should happen in a year or so.

    I always get cash upon arrival at an airport ATM. If they don’t have one, I use a credit card until I find a bank near where I’m lodging. I don’t want to carry a bunch of cash from the states. I have found some hotels may charge more, but never buy from guys on the street!

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    1. With so little time in country, we decided to stick to the two major cities this time. We’d love to go back and see more of the country one day, especially those charming small towns and villages. How exciting that you may get a chance to return!
      You’d think that I – nicknamed “Nervous Nelly” by the husband – would be nervous about carrying foreign currency over from the States, but it’s never bothered me. As I mentioned on the pod, though, that luxury is about to end. 😦

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  5. Not my best travel quiz result ever, but I was proud of myself for remembering Kiribati from when it was the ELC answer!

    Sounds like we need to move Portugal up a few spots on our travel list. Actually, we need to sit down and get serious about traveling overseas again and make an actual prioritized travel list. But perhaps Portugal will be on it!

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    1. I think we know more about Kiribati than we ever wanted to – haha.
      Yes, no more COVID restrictions really anywhere, I think. Only hordes of tourists engaging in revenge travel. I’m excited to see this list you’re developing!

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