The Travel Architect & The Husband Team Up to Talk About Travel (Mostly)

Podcast episode 12 is available by clicking below.  It is also on iTunes at thetravelarchitect.

We’re back with another (long!) episode.  There’s a travel quiz for the musically inclined, which the Travel Architect is not.  We discuss luggage and offer petsitting advice before launching into a review of the second part of our UK road trip:  The Peak District.  Happy listening!

airlines ranking chart


Earlier blog posts referenced or hinted at in this episode:

6 thoughts

  1. I listened to this episode on my drive out to TX. I laughed so hard at brownies for breakfast month being compared to Little Debbie sponsoring the Tennessee Ironman, because you see that Ironman competition is Chattanooga (my hometown), and Little Debbies are made in a town just up the road, so Chattanooga proudly claims ownership. If only you could see the Ironman billboards that Little Debbie posts along the interstate each year.

    So when you commented to me a couple of weeks ago that you didn’t realize I was in Tennessee, “what’s that like?”. Well…Little Debbie sponsoring the Ironman triathlon is a pretty good metaphor!


  2. Haha, I knew exactly what WordPress badge you were going to mention before you revealed it. 1337 is a bit of an internet in-joke (not really joke but I can’t think of a better word for it). I used to see 1337 online a lot more about 10-15 years ago but its use seems to have died out a bit.

    If you look up ‘Leet’ or ‘Leetspeak’ on somewhere like or even just on Google or Wikipedia you’ll get a better explanation. It’s essentially the inclusion of numeric characters replacing letters to form somewhat of an internet “language” if you can call it that. Somewhat similar to kids finding humour in making words on a calculator.

    1337 therefore becomes ‘Leet’ which is very much an internet-era word/number.
    I imagine WordPress honours it with a badge due to its internet prestige / history so I chuckled when I got that unexpected badge but it’s probably a little dated now. I’m sure many are confused when they receive it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha. I’m glad I could offer an explanation of sorts. The things you learn through blogging, right?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am very belatedly catching up on your podcast, which is fun because there are so many episodes now! I just needed to brag that I knew 4/5 of the music trivia answers without clues. But mostly I wanted to say we’ve used those luggage stash spots for when we wanted to explore a part of the city, before going to the airport, that was far away from our lodging or if an Airbnb couldn’t accommodate holding our bags. Also, with respect to a previous episode, I have been doing the carry-on within the carry-on trick for years with my work travel when I don’t want to wait in the luggage drop line but also don’t want to jockey for overhead space. I recommend it! You guys make me laugh AND teach me things. I’m glad you added a podcast to your repertoire!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Maggie. I’m not surprised you did better than me on the travel quiz. Not only are you very smart, but I also suck at trivia! 🙂 I wish I could travel so I could put your suggestions to use. Thanks for the compliment. I’m glad you’re listening!!


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